
JIGSAW Chapter 6

Disclaimer: These characters belong to Lauren Weisberger and 20th Century Fox.  No infringement is intended or profit made from this work. I'm just borrowing them for a bit and I promise to put them back when I'm finished. Whether or not they'll ever be the same again is anybody's guess.




Chapter 6


“Focus, Cassidy, focus! Use your peripheral vision to pick up the defenders but keep your eyes on where you’re going to pass. Focus, and fire the ball to Caroline. C’mon, lazy passes lead to turnovers! Rip it to her!” The hard rubber ball flew like a laser to the other player running down the ‘field’. A quick flip of her wrists and she snagged the pass into the pocket of her stick on the fly. Neither player broke stride or reduced speed as they quick-passed back and forth across the room.


When the twins had completed five trips up and down the length of the room they halted in front of Andy and leaned forward, hands on knees, to catch their breath. She grinned as she regarded their flushed and sweat-streaked faces.


“You two are beginning to look like lacrosse players. Okay, let’s do it again; five trips up and back, switching each time but this time I want you to deliver the ball on the ground ahead of each other. Practice scooping and not breaking stride. Then we’ll do some shooting drills. You two are looking pretty darned good for a couple of beginners. Go on now. Ready? GO!


The twin redheads tore off up the floor, their sticks held comfortably and their passes on target. Andy couldn’t believe how far they had come in the six weeks she had been working with them. When they had begun neither of the girls could even catch a pass let alone pass it to someone else.  Now they rarely broke stride and their passes were pinpointed as if laser-sighted. Andy had always heard that twins had their own form of silent communication and Cassidy and Caroline were no exception. Both seemed not only to know where the other was without looking but what the other was going to do. Their ability to pass blindly to each other was uncanny.


Andy hadn’t taught them to play any specific position; rather she concentrated on the basic offensive and defensive skills they would need to be considered for the team. However, watching as they flew up and down the floor, sensing where the other was, she decided that they would probably be most effective for Dalton as attackers. They could mark and had decent defensive skills, but that knack for knowing where the other was could be utilized to great advantage in a fast break. Especially since Caroline seemed to have an inherent ability to shake a defender, get loose and launch a rather impressive snap shot. Cassidy was less emotional and more analytical than her sister was. When Andy took on the role of defender Cassidy seemed more able to see the big picture and strategize how to get the ball to an open player.


She couldn’t have been prouder of them if they were her own daughters. The twins had worked hard, practiced hard and forced themselves to train. They could now run over a mile easily and Andy didn’t doubt that by spring a three-mile run would be routine for them. They didn’t complain any more than any other almost-teenagers would and (at least around her) did not act like the children of privilege that they were. Andy felt sure that the Dalton coach would welcome them at spring tryouts.


As the twins began their last sprint up the floor, Andy walked over to the wall to don the goalkeeper’s pads for shot practice. Lily and Doug had both been drafted to help with practice on different occasions but tonight Andy was by herself. She was the first to admit that she wasn’t a goalie, but she could definitely take up space in the goal and force the twins to shoot with pinpoint precision around her. As she began to strap on the chest pad her cell phone rang. Glancing at the display, she called to the twins to take a short break and keyed the phone on.


“Hello, Miranda. What’s up?”


“Andréa, how much longer are you planning on working with the girls tonight?”


“Well, they told me their father was going to pick them up in about a hour, so I figured if they wanted to shower at his place we’d work until he got here. If they want to shower here, then we’ll break in fifteen or twenty minutes. Why?”


“He just called me from Chicago. His flight has been grounded because of weather and he’s not going to be able to get a flight out tonight. I’ve already given Cara, Mrs. Grant and Ms. Wegmann the night off and I can’t reach any of them. I have to stay here until much later. Emily is calling nanny services but I don’t think anyone will be able to respond quickly.” The frustration was evident in Miranda’s voice.


“Miranda, relax. The girls can stay with me. I have to go back to the paper and clean up an article, but they have their laptops with them and they can do their homework while I finish my story. Then I’ll take them to dinner. Do they have house keys?”


“No, there’s been no need. Someone is always with them.”


“Well, then how about I bring them to your office after we’ve eaten dinner and they can go home with you? Will that work?”


“Andréa, are you sure you want to do this?”


“Miranda, it’s not like I don’t see them nearly every day. This isn’t a big deal. Don’t make it into one. I’ll take the girls tonight. Finish what you have to do and I’ll bring them to you when we’re done. It’s easy.”


“Andréa, I…thank you. I’ll be much happier knowing the girls are with you than with a stranger.”


“Not to worry, Miranda. We’ll be at the Mirror and then it’s All-You-Can-Eat-Cottage-Pie Night at the Oak and Thistle. I was going to meet a couple of friends there; I’ll just call and let them know we’ll need a larger table.”


“All-You-Can-Eat-Cottage-Pie Night? I don’t even want to ask.”


“Just what it sounds like. They do it once a month and they make a very good cottage pie. The special comes with a nice salad too. Don’t worry. We’ll take good care of them for you.”


“I don’t doubt that. I’m just afraid that their palates may never recover from knowing you.”


“Funny, Miranda. You are a remarkably funny woman. Was there anything else before I hang up on you?”


“No. I’ll call the girls later. That’s all.” The phone clicked in her ear and Miranda was gone. She turned back to where the twins were catching their breath.


“Change in plans for tonight, ladies,” she said with a grin. “How do you feel about British pub grub?”


* * * * *


She was nearly finished with the article and blocking the closing paragraph when her cell rang again.


“Andy Sachs.”


“Hello, Andréa. Are the girls behaving?”


“Yes ma’am, they’re just fine. Greg let us use the conference room and we’ve established Camp Homework there. I’m finishing up my article and the girls are tapping all available resources to help with their assignments.”


“What exactly does ‘tapping all available resources’ mean?”


“Well, right this minute it means that Cassidy is working on something for what would appear to be civics or current events. She’s in deep discussion with the Political Editor and he’s diagramming a chart for her that’s tracking how the new Foreign Aid Omnibus Package is working its way through committee and onto the Senate floor complete with the projected voting and PAC influences. Caroline is either doing her science homework or organizing a manned space flight mission. She’s huddled with our Science Editor, he has his models of the Saturn V rocket and lunar lander with him and they’re logged into the Goddard Space Flight Center’s web site. That’s what ‘tapping all available resources’ means.”


“I see. They aren’t getting underfoot? There’s no problem with them being there?”


“Just the opposite, Miranda. Everyone here is enjoying having them. Even Greg stopped in and offered to take them to the pressroom so they could see how the paper was printed. They’re doing fine. We’ll be leaving for dinner in half an hour or so. How are things over there?”


“Crazed. Jocelyn brought back the Michael Kors proofs on a flash drive. Somehow it was erased by airport security when she flew back. Now Testino is scrambling and thinks those memory cards may have already been erased and we might have to dump the entire shoot. I can only imagine how thrilled Irv will be with the cost of that. So, are you still planning on poisoning my girls at the Pig and Whistle with the ‘Excessive Carbohydrate and Saturated Fat Special’ tonight?”


“Oak and Thistle, Miranda. It’s the Oak and Thistle. You love London; you should try it some night. It’s a great pub. We’re having Shepherd’s Pie and I wouldn’t worry about the girls; I made them do five extra suicides before we wrapped practice. They can afford to eat a lot of Shepherd’s Pie after that kind of a workout.”


“Five extra suicides? The mind boggles. Now if only I knew what a suicide was I might have a frame of reference. Although the name would tend to imply something unpleasant. Tell me, Andréa, will they suffer any permanent damage from these…suicides?”


“Only psychic trauma. Suicides are sprints that are extremely tiring. If nothing else, the girls will sleep well tonight. How much longer will you be at the office?”


“I have no idea at this point. Why don’t you call me when you finish dinner and we can decide what to do then?”


“Sounds like a good idea. As I said, we’ll be leaving here soon. We’re supposed to meet my friends in about an hour.”


“Yes, at the Pig and Whistle. Shepherd’s Pie. I remember. Oh, and Andréa; no caffeine for the girls this late in the day, please.”


“Understood, Mom. Seriously, Miranda, you’d be proud of the girls. They’ve behaved beautifully. The entire Mirror staff is charmed. I believe Greg has issued a blanket invitation for them to come by whenever they like. Be warned, once you get the smell of newsprint in your head it’s hard to let go. You may be raising two budding journalists.”


“Being a journalist does not seem to have harmed you in any way. The girls could do far worse. I’ll call you later. Enjoy your dinner.”


An hour later Doug caught sight of Andy ushering the twins through the pub’s door and waved them over to the table. The twins hugged Lily and Doug who helped hang up coats and stow schoolbags in the pub’s office. When they were settled at the table, a round of ginger ales and five dinner specials were ordered. Doug was gay as could be, but he had a way with the girls and by the time their salads arrived, they were giggling hilariously at his impersonations and quips. Andy and Lily were laughing to themselves at his antics when suddenly Lily’s face paled.


Ohmygod!  she whispered. Andy followed her gaze to see Miranda Priestly standing in the doorway of the pub, unbuttoning her Michael Kors trench. Grinning, Andy stood and waved the older woman over. Even in a relaxed atmosphere like the Oak and Thistle Miranda dominated the room as she made her way to their table. When she arrived Doug stood and helped her off with her coat, hanging it on the rack behind their table as the twins greeted her with hugs.


“Hello, everyone. I hope you don’t mind me intruding. Andréa, would you introduce me?” Miranda requested.


“Of course we don’t mind.  Miranda, this is Lily Johnston, assistant curator at the Vargas Gallery and this is Doug Chapman, he’s a corporate analyst with Goldman Sachs.” Miranda extended her elegant hand to first Lily and then Doug.


“I’m very pleased to meet you both. So, have I arrived too late for dinner?”


“Not at all, Ms. Priestly,” stuttered Doug, waving a server over.


“Please, Douglas, it’s Miranda. So what is everyone having tonight?”


“We’re having the special; the Shepherd’s Pie!” said Caroline. “You only have to tell them what kind of dressing you want on your salad. Andy says their balsamic vinaigrette is really good,” she added helpfully.


Miranda ordered the special and turned back to the group. “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything.”


“You didn’t, Miranda. We were just laughing at Doug’s impersonation of his boss. But what are you doing here? I thought you were stuck at work.”


“So had I. However, we quickly reached the point where it was obvious that we were not going to be able to accomplish anything productive this evening. Testino has still not located the memory cards and until we know if we have the shoot there is nothing more to be done. So I sent everyone home and called Roy. He was able to locate your ‘Oak and Thistle’ on the GPS with little difficulty. And here I am.”


Andy discovered another facet of the Miranda Priestly persona that night as the undisputed arbiter of fashion in New York and possibly the world utterly charmed her friends. She drew Lily out with questions about upcoming shows at the gallery and a solid knowledge of the New York Arts scene and laughed at Doug’s jokes and impersonations, often laying a gentle hand on his arm for emphasis. Andy watched with amusement as her friends fell under Miranda’s spell and hoped that maybe now they wouldn’t be as inclined to tease her.


They finished their salads in short order and the server appeared with a tray of the dinner specials. The twins dug into theirs with abandon, chattering to everyone about their day at school and what they had done at the Mirror offices after practice. Miranda smiled fondly at her offspring and Andy marveled at the ease in which Miranda fit into what was, for her, a very unusual social situation. She wondered if perhaps that was what defined ‘classy’; the ability to fit in and make others around you comfortable regardless of the circumstance. Whatever the quality was, Miranda certainly possessed it.


When the twins had finished most of what was on their plates Miranda asked if they were planning to have seconds. Cassidy and Caroline had been, but were astonished that their mother would allow it and said so.


“I was led to understand that there were several additional ‘suicides’ run tonight in anticipation of second helpings.”


The twins turned on Andy who laughed and threw up her hands in surrender. “I give up! She’s right; I ran you more so you could eat all you wanted.” The twins tried to act upset but promptly dissolved in giggles. Doug joined them in having another plate of the classic English dish and the lively conversation around the table continued until everyone had eaten their fill. Only the twins opted for ice cream, and once they had finished Miranda looked pointedly at her watch.


“I don’t mean to seem rude, but it’s a school night and you two have to be up early in the morning. I need to call Roy.” The twins’ objections were only half-hearted and it was obvious to Andy that they were winding down. Miranda looked around for their server to get the check and Andy stopped her with a hand on the arm.


“Tonight is my treat, Miranda. We all enjoyed having you and the girls join us.”


Miranda’s blue eyes seemed unreadable. “Thank you, Andréa. For taking care of the girls and for dinner. Your friends are delightful.”


Doug went to get the school- and gear-bags they had stashed in the office while Miranda supervised the donning of coats, scarves and mittens. Before long, everyone was dressed to face the frigid New York night and they headed for the sidewalk. Roy had the silver S600 idling at the curb when they emerged from the pub. He popped the trunk and Doug helped the girls load their bags and backpacks then gallantly held the door for the Priestly women.


The twins were still bubbling from their evening out and hugged Andy, Lily and Doug before they clambered into the back seat of the Mercedes. Miranda wished Lily luck with her next show and requested an invitation to the opening. Then, turning to Doug, she rested a gloved hand on his arm.


“It has been a true delight meeting you, Douglas. I hope we meet again soon.”


“It was my pleasure, Miranda. I hope so too.”


Miranda turned to Andy and smiled. “Thank you for taking care of the girls, Andréa. You gave them a night they will not soon forget. Neither will I. I’ll talk to you soon. Thank you.” And to Andy’s complete astonishment, she leaned in and pressed her cheek to Andy’s before turning and gracefully entering the car on Doug’s arm. He shut the door and the three of them watched Roy ease smoothly into traffic. Then Doug and Lily turned on a dazed Andy.


“Who was that woman and what has she done with Miranda Priestly? That was an alien clone, right? I mean that person was nice. That is not the Ice Queen that Page Six rants on about. Andy, what was going on tonight?”


Andy had no answer. For her part, she was still focused on the jolt of electricity the brush of that soft cheek had sent through her. Unthinking, trembling fingers rose to caress the spot that still burned like fire. She felt her knees quake and a flush creep up the back of her neck. What the hell?


Lily and Doug just watched her and grinned.


Chapter 7

BeachBum's MIRANDY Fan Fiction