Lieutenant Jordan McDeere sat at her desk and exhaled the breath she had been holding. DiCampo had been
acting strangely for the past few days and for some reason seemed even more out of sorts than usual this afternoon. He’d
just stormed into her office demanding information on some Voyager requisitions and when she’d given them to him stomped back out without so much as a muttered
“screw you”. Something was going and she was fairly sure she knew what it was. From the look of it, she was going
to be in trouble again. DiCampo would launch a full frontal assault shortly.
Her tenure in L&S had
started poorly. She’d been a decorated line officer and Nixon had hated her on sight. Only her dogged determination to do an exemplary job had
kept her position safe; at least she’d thought so up to this morning. Now it seemed that DiCampo was trying to stir
up trouble. She brought up the activities on her requisitions over the past several weeks. Sure enough, DiCampo had accessed
her files and read through her requisition logs. Specifically the Voyager logs. His strategy was pretty obvious at this point. She opened an encrypted file from her personal
database and downloaded the priority notification from Starfleet Command for the Voyager refit. If Nixon and DiCampo came after her for the priorities she assigned the Voyager reqs she now had justification for her actions. Some days she
didn’t have a clue why she continued to work in L&S; it just didn’t seem worth the effort. Other days she
knew exactly why she continued to work there.
Her attention was caught by
the voice of their unit clerk stammering, “B-but sir, you can’t just barge in. P-please let me get Commander Nixon for you!”
“Nonsense, I just need
to see Lieutenant McDeere for a little
while. There’s no need to bother the Lieutenant Commander.”
“What the devil is going
on out here?” Nixon stuck his head out of his office and the unit clerk snapped to attention. When he caught sight of
Janeway his eyes widened in alarm. “Good afternoon, Captain Janeway! How can I help you?”
“Good afternoon, Commander.
I just want to speak with Lieutenant McDeere for a little while.” Janeway glanced at the rigid unit clerk. “As you were, Ensign.”
“Why don’t we
adjourn to our conference room, Captain? That way –“
“No thanks, Commander.
This is a private conversation and we won’t need your conference room. Now, if you’ll excuse us?” Janeway
turned on her heel and walked into McDeere’s office calling a command to close the door behind her. “As you were,
Lieutenant.” Taking a seat opposite McDeere Janeway took a good
look at the officer seated before her.
She had remembered correctly;
McDeere was the older Lieutenant who had been shunned by the rest of the L&S group on the initial survey tour of Voyager. The one who hadn’t had a problem with Jeffries tubes
or Borg technology; who had moved through the starship like she’d done it for years. Because she had.
“I’m Kathryn
Janeway, Lieutenant. I’m taking command of a new battleship and Admiral Pulaski told me I should talk to you before I chose my First Officer. Why would she do
“Once upon a time I
was a decent starship officer; it’s time for me to get back in the ‘fleet, sir. I’ve hidden away here in
supply long enough.”
“I prefer ‘Captain’
– ‘ma’am’ in a crunch. But I’ll let you know when it’s crunch time. Clear?”
“Yes, Captain.”
“We’ll get to
why you’ve been hiding in supply in a minute; right now I want the answer to one question and one question only: why
did you offer no defense for your actions on Repulse?”
“Because Captain Edison’s statements were essentially correct. I did everything he claimed I did.”
“And you offered no
evidence in mitigation of your actions? There was ample testimony from the crew that your actions saved their lives despite
Captain Edison’s orders. Why
not bring that up?”
Clear blue eyes a couple of
shades darker than Seven’s regarded her evenly. The faint scar around her left eye socket was more visible as her expression
tightened slightly as broad shoulders shrugged.
“He was my captain.”
Janeway regarded her silently
for several long moments, the meaning of the simple sentence abundantly clear. Her opinion of McDeere rose several notches
very quickly. The silence stretched out as the two women sized each other up.
“Admiral Pulaski thinks very highly of you. Want to tell me how that happened? There aren’t
too many people she likes that much.”
“That’s a long
story, Captain. Can I get you some coffee before we get into it?”
“Black, please.”
McDeere stood and walked out
of the office to the unit’s replicator. As soon as she stepped outside the office Nixon confronted her.
“What’s this about,
Going on what Janeway had
said earlier about the conversation being private, McDeere answered blandly, “She wants to talk about the Voyager refit. Now that she’s back from her honeymoon she’s
pushing it to high priority. I’ve been handling the bulk of the reqs for the refit and she wants to know if we can deliver
what she’s going to need when she’s going to need it.”
“I don’t like
this one bit. She should be dealing with me or DiCampo, not you.”
“Well, it’s sort
of understandable, sir. DiCampo’s been busy on his projects and I’ve been trying to keep ahead of the day-to-day
routine stuff so you’re free to concentrate on the bigger issues. I guess my name’s been on most of the reqs so
far and she just assumed I was handling it.”
“Well, however she’s
thinking, you will set her straight. From now on she will deal with either DiCampo or me, clear?”
“Yes, sir. I’ll
be sure to tell her that, sir.” McDeere gathered Janeway’s coffee and a cup of her favorite tea and moved back
into her office leaving Nixon fuming in the reception area.
Janeway accepted her coffee
with a nod of thanks and a brief glance at the contents of McDeere’s mug. She gave a wry grin.
“Not a coffee drinker,
“No, Captain. I prefer
tea. Earl Grey when I can get it.”
Janeway chuckled. “You’ll
get along just great with my wife. She only drinks Earl Grey too; she’s
just as bad as Picard that way.” She took a sip and gave McDeere a piercing look. “You were going to tell me
about you and Admiral Pulaski.”
McDeere took a healthy slug
of her tea and took a moment to answer. “I was First Officer on the Grissom and got dinged at Riktor Prime. Usually the medics patched you up and got you into a stasis tube for
transport to field medical facilities. They did that with me, but field surgeons thought my leg was bad enough that they sent
me back to Starfleet Medical at Headquarters.” She took another large sip of her tea.
“When I arrived there
I was…in bad shape. My leg was functionally amputated; I think the only thing holding it on was skin. Anyway, Admiral Pulaski did the initial assessment on my leg and decided that it had to be amputated.
I begged her not to before I passed out. When I woke up a couple of days later and looked down at the bed I was terrified
that I’d only see a stump. But my leg was still on. There was enough hardware in and around it to almost qualify for
Borg status, but it was still my leg.” At this point she looked up and flushed
as she realized what she’d said. “Captain, I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I apologize.”
Janeway waved it off. “Lieutenant,
my wife does not need me to defend her Borg past. She’d be the first one to understand that analogy. Keep going.”
“While I was still trying
to get the cobwebs out of my brain the Admiral came into my room and sat down. She looked at me until I could focus on her
and then proceeded to tell me that against her better judgment she hadn’t cut it off. But that I was in for a year of
hell. They could repair the ligaments and tendons and set the bones but even with the latest regeneration techniques it was
going to be a year before the knee would be strong enough to support me safely. And in the mean time I was going to have to
endure some of the most painful rehabilitation there was.” McDeere scowled. “I did manage to cut down her year
of hell to six months of hell but she wasn’t kidding about the rehab. I think it was worse than the original wound.
But the Admiral never pawned me off on another medic. She was always there for me and she made it a point to check in a couple
of times a week. Once I was able to get around on my own again we started having dinner occasionally.”
“Tell me about the raid
on Starfleet Headquarters.”
“Not much to tell, Captain.
I was in the BOQ adjacent to Medical going through rehab when they attacked. I could see the Jem’Hadar fighters from
my window and I knew that HQ was taking heavy damage. So I grabbed my crutches and limped out of the barracks. When I got
outside there was no security for the medical complex. There was a bunch of Academy cadets milling around shouting and I organized
them into a couple of squads, got them some phasers and stationed them around the medical facility. Then I got a ride to the
EOC at the Presidio. I’d been a tactical officer so they gave me the COMM
link for a squadron of Hawk fighters and told me to coordinate their attacks. I watched the tactical screens and ordered the
fighters where I thought they could do the most good.” She barked a short laugh. “Typical fighter jocks; they
didn’t want to listen to me. I had to bang a few heads and bark a little to get their attention, but once they flew
where I told them to they did some damage. That’s all there was to it.”
“You don’t like
talking about yourself much, do you? All right, I can accept that. So how is it that an officer who served with distinction
on every ship she was assigned except one has been hiding in Logistics and Supply for damned near three years?”
McDeere laughed again. “Didn’t
you read my jacket, Captain? I was demoted and assigned here.”
“I know that. I also
know that Admiral Nechayev tried to get you to go back into the ‘fleet after three months and you refused. Want to tell
me about that?”
“By the time the court
had decided my fate and passed sentence the fire inside that drove me just wasn’t there any more. I wouldn’t have
been an effective officer in a ship of the line. So I stayed where I couldn’t get anyone killed.”
“So why now? You could
have refused to talk to me. And I doubt that Admiral Pulaski would have told me to interview you without your permission.
What’s happened since then?”
“I’m not really
sure, Captain. The admiral has been a staunch supporter even during my court martial. She stuck with me and never lost her
faith in me. Even more, she helped me restore my faith in myself. I guess I healed.”
“How did you lose faith
in yourself? Did you lose your nerve?”
“With all due respect,
Captain, that’s a personal question I’d rather not answer.”
“Why not? If you’re
going to be my First Officer I need to be sure you won’t lose your nerve again. How am I supposed to know that? Just take your word for it? I need a First Officer who can stand up under pressure,
not somebody who caves in as soon as things get tense. What happened?”
“Captain, I told you,
it’s personal and I would rather not talk…”
“What happened?”
The intensity of Janeway’s voice increased as her tone and volume fell.
“It wasn’t any
one thing, I…” McDeere’s face began to flush.
“What happened?” Janeway’s eyes darkened to a stormy gray; a sign anyone who knew her feared.
“I don’t…”
“What happened?”
“What happened?”
McDeere exploded, “The sonuvabitch was crazy, okay? I tried to keep him from killing the crew but he wouldn’t listen! He had this wild look in his eyes and
all he could babble about was going down with the ship and how he’d be remembered. He didn’t have a single thought
for the crew! He just wanted to be a hero! We saved his ass and most of the crew and he charged me with mutiny! And then Starfleet threw me to the wolves to pacify the politicians!”
As quickly as the eruption
came it subsided and she collapsed back in her chair. “I didn’t lose my nerve…I got my heart broken. Everything
I believed about Starfleet…gone…the best parts…the parts of me…I couldn’t…I didn’t
believe in it anymore. I didn’t believe in what had always been the best parts of me
anymore. It’s taken a while to get that back.”
Janeway regarded her silently
for long moments. When she spoke again her voice was quiet and firm. “We’re going up against the Borg Collective.
We’re going to be outnumbered and probably outgunned, but we’re going in with some technology that will confound
the Borg. I’d say the odds will be fairly even. I expect my First Officer and senior staff to present a united front
with me to the crew. I expect my First Officer to offer alternative solutions to problems privately.
But once I make the call, I expect my First Officer to be standing beside me without question.” She looked down at the
PADD in her hand and then back at McDeere. “You hear anything there you can’t live with?”
McDeere’s eyes flashed
with warmth and a small smile played around her lips. “No, Captain.”
Janeway nodded once and stood.
“Okay then, I’ll be in touch one way or another. I don’t like to keep people hanging. In the meantime, will
you keep the Voyager refit on track?
My people have said good things about your work.”
McDeere rose and extended
her hand. “I’ll do my best, Captain. And thank you for considering me.”
Janeway shook the outstretched
hand and looked deep into the blue eyes as she smiled. “My pleasure, Lieutenant.” And with that she turned on
her heel and walked out nodding pleasantly to the officers gathered in the anteroom.
She hadn’t been gone
five seconds when Nixon stormed into McDeere’s office demanding to be briefed on the conversation.
* * * * *
Late that night Janeway still
studied the PADD containing McDeere’s service record. She was propped up in bed listening to Seven preparing to join
her. When her spouse slipped under the sheets beside her she looked over and smiled. Seven’s face showed amusement.
“What’s wrong?”
Seven’s soft chuckle
washed over her like a warm wave. “We have been married less than two weeks and already you bring work to bed with us.
Has my appeal waned so quickly?”
Janeway leaned over and kissed
her enthusiastically. “Not one tiny bit, my love. But I can’t get the conversation I had with Lieutenant McDeere
out of my mind.”
Seven looked at her curiously.
“Why not, Kathryn?”
“I don’t know,
exactly. There’s something about her. Normally I wouldn’t even consider someone with a court martial on their
record, but the more people I talk to the more I’m convinced that she was railroaded. And if I believe that, then I
have to face the fact that Starfleet may not be the same organization I have believed in my entire life. That’s not
fun to contemplate.”
“Kathryn, the Federation
and Starfleet fought a devastating war while we were trying to get back to Earth. Surely you don’t think that Starfleet
would be unscathed and unchanged after a conflict like that?”
“No, you’re right.
But when I think about Starfleet not standing up for one of its best officers it bothers me. I guess I don’t want to
think that it’s changed that much.”
“Kathryn, you must think
of the bigger picture. Yes, apparently Starfleet did sacrifice your Lieutenant McDeere. But never forget why it was done.
Didn’t you tell me that no one wanted to try her but that it was necessary to appease the Federation Council and keep
the funding necessary to rebuild the fleet? It was one of Starfleet’s finest officers who said ‘The needs of the
many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.’ Ambassador Spock said that, did he not? At that moment, the needs of
Starfleet outweighed the needs of Lieutenant McDeere.”
“You’re right,
as usual. But it still bothers me.”
“Tell me, Kathryn, does
the Starfleet you serve today seem to be the kind of organization that would do that?”
“No, it doesn’t.”
“Then perhaps it was
a unique situation that required a unique solution. Is there any other reason you hesitate?”
Janeway laughed. “Not
a one. But I think there’s a little part of me that still resents what Chakotay did. I need to be able to trust my First
Officer completely and he may have ruined that for me. Frankly, I wonder if McDeere doesn’t deserve better.”
Seven snuggled against her
and pulled her close. “Kathryn, your loyalty to your officers and crew is what makes you the outstanding commander you
are. Don’t you think that Lieutenant McDeere deserves to serve under an officer like that? It certainly appears that
she had to serve under one who was…insufficient.”
Janeway dropped a quick kiss
on her spouse’s lips. “You’re right again. Let me go relay my decision to Admiral Nechayev so there isn’t
any more delay than necessary. I want to get McDeere out of Supply as fast as I can. She certainly deserves better than that.” She gently disengaged herself from Seven’s arms and got out of
bed. When she did she saw a PADD lying on the nightstand beside her wife. “Speaking of appeal fading, is that some of
your work?” She pointed at the offending PADD.
Seven had the good grace to
blush. “I did not want you to feel badly if you had more work to do so I brought a PADD with me to keep you company.”
Laughing, Janeway turned for
the den and the COMM unit. “When I get back I promise you that work will be the last thing on my mind.”
She reached to power up the
COMM console as she sank into her desk chair. Keying in her security codes she began to record a message
for transmission to Admiral Nechayev but as soon as the recipient had been specified she found herself facing the older woman
on the screen.
“Admiral, I’m
sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you. I was going to record a message for you.”
“That’s all right,
Captain. I’m frequently in the office this late. What did you want to tell me?”
“I’ve decided
on my new First Officer. I’d like to have Jordan McDeere assigned to Boudicca as my Exec.”
The normally stern-faced Nechayev
actually smiled at the news. “Are you certain, Kathryn? Nothing would please me more than to have McDeere back on a
starship under a solid CO, but are you satisfied that she’s the officer you require?”
“Yes she is, Admiral.
I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ve talked to some people. I don’t understand how Starfleet could have
treated her that way, but I wasn’t here for the war so I can’t judge what was necessary then. She’s got
some spunk left and her record speaks for itself. Yes, Admiral; she’s the First Officer I want.”
Nechayev didn’t speak
for a moment. When she finally did she looked at Janeway with what seemed like pain in her eyes. “I have regrets about
that incident that I will carry to my grave. I’ll be very happy to reinstate Jordan immediately. You’ll have your
new Exec by tomorrow afternoon, Captain. Was there anything else?”
“No, Admiral. The official
request is on its way to you now. I’ll make sure there’s an office ready for her in the morning. I think we’ll
go tour our new command in the afternoon. Thank you, ma’am.”
“You’re very welcome,
Captain.” The older woman hesitated a moment. “Please give my regards to your wife. Your wedding was a memorable
evening on many levels.”
Janeway chuckled and grinned.
“She’ll be delighted you enjoyed yourself, Admiral. I must say, you catching a garter rates as one of the high
points of that night for me.”
Nechayev’s eyebrows
went up and she commented dryly, “Captain, if one old woman catching a piece of fabric was a high point of your wedding
night then Seven of Nine has lower expectations than I’ve given her credit for. She and I may need to talk.”
Janeway’s eyes widened
at the comment and then she burst into laughter. “I’ll be sure to pass that along, Admiral. Seven will enjoy it.
Have a good night, ma’am.”
“Good night, Captain.
And thank you for moving so quickly on getting your senior staff filled out. We’ve got a lot to accomplish in a short
time period. I’ll talk with you later in the week. Good night, Kathryn.”
When the screen in front of
her went dark Janeway leaned back in her chair and thought about the strange conversation. Not only had Nechayev not been
her usual all-business self, but she had seemed genuinely concerned for McDeere’s welfare. And she had said something positive about Seven of Nine. Would wonders never cease?
Standing up and stretching
she turned off the console and lights and went back to bed with her wife.
* * * * *
The workstation screen glowed
brightly in the dimmed lighting.
“Are we secure?”
asked the Admiral.
“It’s still a
bit early for everyone else. We shouldn’t be disturbed,” said the officer.
“Do you have news for
me?” the distinguished-looking Admiral asked.
“Captain Janeway paid
a visit to Logistics and Supply yesterday afternoon. From the look on her face as she exited the offices she was satisfied
with the interview.” The officer’s face was inscrutable in the glow of the screen. “I don’t know anything
definite beyond that.”
“Did she do what we
“Pretty much. I don’t
know if our plan will succeed though.”
“Do you need help?”
“Not yet; she seemed
to be moving quickly, but there’s still time if we need to do something more. I think…” The door to the
office flew open and Nixon and DiCampo stormed through.
“McDeere, I want to
know what the hell’s going on here! Are you taking bribes on the Voyager refit?” demanded Nixon. DiCampo just stood behind him smiling evilly.
McDeere looked at her COMM
screen with a resigned sigh “Admiral Pulaski, I’ll have to call you back later. My CO is here with some questions
on the Voyager refit. McDeere out.”
She turned to face the officers. “What was your question, Commander?”
“Are you taking kickbacks
on the Voyager refit?”
“Absolutely not, sir.”
“Then explain the ‘EXPEDITE’
priorities on these requisitions the morning after I see Captain Janeway locked in your office for over an hour. Tell me why
the requisitions don’t go through normal departmental procedures before they’re filled and why you’re handling
them personally and directly. I’m going to have your logs audited and if I find one
requisition miscoded I’m going to bring you up on charges!”
McDeere sighed heavily and
handed him the PADD she’d downloaded the day before. “Sir, here are the priorities I’ve been using as guidelines.
Based on the remarks from Admiral Nechayev I assumed that Voyager was a priority for everyone, not just Starfleet Operations. So I took the initiative and have been
handling the requisitions personally.”
“You know that’s
not how I want things done around here!” snarled Nixon. “Lieutenant DiCampo tells me that this has been going
on since nearly the first day we opened those requisition logs.” DiCampo allowed a gleam of triumph to show in his eyes
at this.
“Sir, I can only reiterate
what I said earlier. You told Captain Janeway that we would help in any way we could and when I read Admiral Nechayev’s
memo I thought that was what you’d want. Apparently, Lieutenant DiCampo feels otherwise or he wouldn’t be digging
through my personal files looking for something that isn’t there.”
“This whole thing looks
suspicious to me. I think I should call in Security to investigate and then…”
McDeere’s COMM
chirped with an incoming hail. She gave Nixon a noncommittal look and turned to the screen beside her.
“Admiral Nechayev! Good
morning, ma’am.”
“Good morning, Lieutenant.
I have some good news for you. Effective this stardate at 0700 hours you are reinstated to the rank of Commander and assigned
as First Officer of the USS Boudicca.
Captain Janeway is expecting you to report yet this morning or by noon at the latest. I believe she has an inspection tour
of Boudicca planned for the two of
you. Will that present any problems for you?”
Relief washed through McDeere
like a tidal surge. “No problem at all, Admiral.”
“Will I need to notify
your current CO or can you do that?”
“Not necessary, Admiral,
he’s standing right here and heard every word.”
“Commander Nixon?”
The man sidled around McDeere’s desk so that he was visible on the COMM screen.
“Yes, Admiral?”
“I apologize for the
speed of this reassignment, but McDeere is critical to a top priority mission and needs to get up to speed. Paperwork authorizing
her promotion and transfer is on the way to you now. I hope it doesn’t leave your department shorthanded.”
Nixon gulped. “We’ll
manage, Admiral.”
McDeere glanced over the screen
at DiCampo and grinned at the look of fear and disappointment she saw there.
Nechayev nodded to the L&S
CO. “I’m sure you will, Mr. Nixon. Jordan?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“I can’t tell
you how pleased I am about this. It’s been too long since you were on the bridge of starship where you belong. I assume
you’re taking this call in your office?”
“Yes, ma’am. I’m
at my desk. Is that important in some way?”
Nechayev smiled. “Yes,
as a matter of fact it is. I have a small gift for you.” She gestured to someone off screen and a moment later transporter
ions began to sparkle over the center of the desk. When they solidified a red command under tunic and a small velvet box rested
there. Jordan reached out for the box with a hand that shook just a bit. She opened it to reveal the three gold pips of a
full Commander.
“Congratulations, Commander.
As I said, this has been too long in coming. If you encounter any…difficulties…in your transfer just call my office.”
“Thank you, Admiral.
I will.”
The Admiral smiled again.
“I’d wish you good luck, Commander, but you don’t need it. You’re going out on a fine ship with an
outstanding CO and a strong senior staff and crew. Take good care of them for us, won’t you?”
“I’ll do my best,
“Nechayev, out.”
The glowing screen went blank as Nixon and DiCampo stared mutely at her. Deliberately, so they wouldn’t miss any of
her actions, she pinned the three pips to the red under tunic and when she finished, picked it up.
“If you gentlemen will
excuse me, I’m slightly out of uniform.” They stood there, frozen, unable to comprehend what had just transpired.
“Gentlemen, dismissed!” she barked, the whip of command in her voice
shaking them out of their daze. “That means get out of my office…now!”
Nixon’s mouth moved
like he wanted to say something, but DiCampo had the presence of mind to nudge him toward the door and get him moving. Without
uttering another sound the two men left the office, the door sliding shut behind them.
Finally allowing her relief
to show Jordan sighed deeply and leaned on her desk, hands shaking. Her personal nightmare was finally over. Standing, she
removed her tunic and gold under tunic and literally donned the mantle of command. She pulled her tunic back on, made sure
she was squared away and sat back down. Then, changing her mind, she stood again, and walked into the department anteroom.
“Ensign Chase, I’ll
need a medium-sized packing container ASAP.”
The unit clerk’s eyes
bugged out at McDeere’s new uniform and rank. “I-I, yes sir!”
McDeere’s eyes twinkled
with merriment as she replied, “I prefer Commander… ma’am in a crunch. But I’ll tell you when it’s
crunch time.” She turned to face Nixon and DiCampo who were still somewhat dazed from the turn of events. “Gentlemen,
I have a couple of things to take care of, but I’ll want to discuss the Voyager refit with you before I leave. Keep your schedules open in, say, one hour?” She raised an eyebrow
in question and waited for a reply.
“Okay…one hour,”
replied Nixon.
After three years of Nixon’s
tyranny she just couldn’t resist. “‘Okay, one hour’…what?”
“Okay, one hour…Commander.”
Nixon looked like he’d just swallowed something rancid.
“Very good, Lieutenant
Commander. As you were.” Jordan turned and walked back into her office with a bounce in her step.
Sealing the door she once
again sat at her desk and activated her COMM screen. When it came to life and Kate Pulaski’s grinning face appeared on
her screen she couldn’t help smiling in return.
“Well, I see that all
our scheming has borne fruit. I just got a memo from Alynna Nechayev about your reinstatement and assignment; I think she
sent it to everyone above the rank of Ensign in Starfleet. How’d you get into uniform so quickly?”
“Admiral Nechayev beamed
the command under tunic and a set of pips to me before she signed off. Right after she gave me the news.”
“I think that was Admiral
Nechayev atoning for some old sins. You must have impressed Kathryn for her to move that quickly to have you assigned to her
command. I’m glad we didn’t have to try and get Seven to work on her.”
“You know I was never
comfortable with that, Admiral.”
“Jordan, we’ve
been working toward this for too long. You’ve put in a lot of hours getting back into shape and keeping your command
credentials current. We can’t undo what they did to you three years ago, but we got you onto the newest ship in the
‘fleet under one of its best COs. That will have to do. And I would have used the devil himself if it helped get you
back where you belong.”
“Admiral, I know I haven’t
said this enough, but thank you for everything you’ve done for me. I don’t think I would have made it through
all this without you.”
Pulaski laughed. “Not
to worry, Jordan. I’ll be shipping out with you all. Kathryn was most persuasive. And I agreed to go with her fleet
if she’d take a look at you for first Officer.”
“Admiral! You shouldn’t
have done that! I know how you hate space travel. I don’t want you to have to…”
“Relax, Jordan. If I
weren’t perfectly willing to ship out with Kathryn I never would have made the offer. I’ve been feeling a touch
bored lately anyway. A cruise to the Delta quadrant may be just what I need.” Both women laughed.
Grinning, McDeere agreed.
“Yes, ma’am. I feel the same way. I need to get moving, though. It seems that Captain Janeway is expecting me
to report by noon. Right now I need to pack my office and terrorize Nixon and DiCampo into doing right by the Voyager refit before I leave.”
“I know you’re
busy. We’ll get together for dinner when you’re settled in your new billet. You can tell me funny stories about
Kathryn so I can embarrass her with them when we sail. Thanks for taking the time to let me know. I’m proud of you,
“Thank you, Admiral.
I’ll call you soon.” She signed off just as her door chimed. “Enter!”
Ensign Chase walked in carrying
a transport container. “Thank you, Ensign. Once I get my things packed I’ll want you to have this transported
to Captain Janeway’s offices at the shipyards. Will that be a problem?”
“No, Commander. I…pardon
me, ma’am but, congratulations on your reassignment.”
“Thank you, Ensign.
Would you please tell Lieutenant Commander Nixon and Lieutenant DiCampo that I’ll meet with them in fifteen minutes?”
“Yes, Commander.”
“That’ll be all,
McDeere began to go through
her desk drawers and packed her few personal possessions. Supply had always felt like exile to her, and even though she had
buried herself away there, she had never brought many personal items into her office. When she’d finished she encrypted
her private logs and dumped her project logs to Ensign Chase’s workstation. Then she rose, tugged her tunic down and
strode into the anteroom.
“Ensign Chase, that
container is ready for transport. Tag it with my ID and forward it to Captain Janeway’s office suite.” When the
young ensign leapt to get the container McDeere strolled to the door of Nixon’s office.
“Do you have a few minutes
for me, Commander?” she asked politely.
“Yes …Commander.
Let’s get this over with,” snapped Nixon.
“Why don’t you
invite Lieutenant DiCampo to join us? That way I’ll only have to review my projects once.” Nixon paged DiCampo
and the younger man quickly entered the office. McDeere regarded them gravely.
“I’ll make this
quick, gentlemen. I don’t think any of us want to prolong my stay here. I’ve transferred all my project logs to
Ensign Chase’s workstation; you can reassign them as you see fit. And now we’re going to talk about Voyager.” McDeere hadn’t needed her command glare very
often but she had one almost as good as Janeway’s. She favored the two men in front of her with it now.
“The Voyager refit will proceed as it always has. Requisitions for Voyager will be processed immediately
and referred to ‘premium’ suppliers without regard to what the requisition calls for. There will be no delays
in processing the requisitions and every single one will be assigned top priority. Is that clear?”
“That’s not the
standard procedure in this office!” protested DiCampo.
Jordan silenced him with a
glance. “I don’t particularly care about the standard procedure of this office, Lieutenant. I’m telling
you how it’s going to go. And since all those requisitions will originate in the office I’ll be working in, I’m
going to know about each and every one of them. And if I find one discrepancy – if one requisition isn’t filled
on time - I’m going to Admiral Nechayev and instigate an investigation of the Thompson refit. Am I making myself clear, Mr. Nixon?”
DiCampo looked confused but
Nixon blanched at the mention of that particular job. Apparently he hadn’t covered his tracks as well as he thought
he had. He wondered how much McDeere knew, but realized that even if she only knew a little it might be enough to scuttle
his career and land him in a penal colony.
“Crystal clear, Commander.
Voyager will get the best we’ve
got, I promise.”
She eyed him for a moment
longer. “Then our business here is over. I’d say it’s been a pleasure working with you both but we all know
that isn’t true. So just let me say goodbye and good luck to both of you.” Without waiting for a reply she rose,
turned and walked out of the offices.
* * * * *
“Good morning, Radcliffe.
How are you this morning?”
“Just fine, Captain.
And you?”
“Fit as a fiddle and
ready for anything, Ensign. Is Lieutenant Torres in yet?”
“She called in a few
minutes ago, Captain. There was a small logistics problem with Miral’s day care this morning and she’s running
late. She said she’ll be here around lunch time.”
Janeway laughed. “A
‘small logistics problem’? I don’t think I want to know what
that was. Have her come see me when she gets in, will you? Oh, and Radcliffe, did Seven bring anything personal into the office?
If she did move whatever it is to my office, will you? She can work out of my office if she needs to until she gets assigned
here permanently. We’ll need that office for my new Exec.”
Radcliffe handed her a mug
of fresh coffee and asked, “Your new Exec? You decided on a new First Officer? Who is it?” Radcliffe’s dealings
with her former First Officer had been less than inspiring and Janeway could understand why he seemed excited.
“Commander Jordan McDeere
will be joining us as the First Officer of our merry band of miscreants, Ensign.”
“Commander McDeere? Is that the same…I know of a Lieutenant McDeere
in Supply…do you mean her?”
“That’s the one,
Ethan. She was a Commander and First Officer during the War.” Janeway decided to temper the facts a bit for her young
aide. “She ran into some problems and was badly wounded. They sent her to Supply to heal. But she’s back on her
feet and will be joining us. I believe she’s another Earl Grey lover. Take care of her office and whatever, will you?”
“Gladly, Captain. And
I’ll send Lieutenant Torres in to your office when she arrives. I’m supposed to remind you that your wife is coming
in today to help the lieutenant with the removal and storage of the Borg alcoves. She’ll try to arrive so you can lunch
together and I’ve been told that you’re not to leave the office without her tonight.”
Janeway laughed. “This
is not a good sign, Ethan. We haven’t been married two weeks and already
she’s bossing me around through you. Am I going to be managed this way from now on?”
“Very probably, Captain,”
he replied with a straight face. “Dr. Hansen is extremely persuasive.”
“I’ll behave,
Ethan. Take care of those things, will you? Oh, and have Commander McDeere stop by my office when she arrives.”
“Yes, Captain. There’s
a note from Captain Picard for you; I transferred it to your workstation.”
She nodded as their eyes met,
then headed for her office. “Thank you, Ensign.”
* * * * *
The physical distance from
Supply to Janeway’s office suite wasn’t that great, but the symbolic distance was light years. Every step she
took away from L&S made her feel as if weight was falling from her shoulders. By the time she stepped off the lift on
the floor of her new offices there was a distinct spring in her step. When she walked into the anteroom and looked at Radcliffe
she was positively buoyant.
“Good morning, Ensign.
I’m Commander McDeere reporting in,” she said with a wide grin.
His answering grin was no
smaller. “Welcome aboard, Commander. I have your office ready and your personal effects are in there, but Captain Janeway
asked that you stop by her office when you reported in. If you’ll follow me?”
Radcliffe stepped around his
desk and walked to the corridor behind the anteroom. Stepping to the door of Janeway’s office he announced “Captain,
I have Commander McDeere for you.”
As Janeway waved her new Exec
in Radcliffe asked, “How’s the coffee, Captain?”
“Looks like I could
use a refill, Ensign. Get something for Commander McDeere too, would you?”
“Yes, Captain.”
He stepped into the room and grabbed one of the thermal mugs from Voyager then walked out to the workroom leaving the two women alone.
“Have a seat, Commander.
I must say red looks better on you than gold did. So does the extra hardware.”
“Thank you, Captain,
thank you for everything.”
“Not necessary, McDeere.
I have to give Kate Pulaski the credit; she was right. You are a good fit here.
And then there’s the added benefit of having her come along with us. I’m not naïve enough to think you haven’t
heard that something major is going on; how much do you know about our mission?”
“Just the scuttlebutt,
Captain. Rumors about the Borg and how you got Voyager
back home. I know there’s a whole ward at Starfleet Medical that’s been declared off limits without a level ten
security clearance and that there’s an alien ship in the security bay of McKinley Station. Beyond that, nothing concrete.”
Radcliffe entered at that
point and handed each woman a steaming mug. McDeere took an appreciative sip and her eyes widened. “My God, are the
drinks always this good around here?”
“Ensign Radcliffe takes
great pride in his skills as a barista. I never thought I’d enjoy having an aide, but I must say he brings many talents
to the job. Thank you, Ethan, that will be all.” The young officer nodded and took his leave.
“So, do you want the
long version or the short version, Commander?”
“How about the long
version unless you have something pressing? I certainly don’t yet.”
Janeway leaned back in her
chair and told McDeere the whole story of Voyager’s
dealings with the Borg and their return to the Alpha quadrant, including the parts deemed in violation of the Temporal
Prime Directive. When she finished McDeere just shook her head.
“Remind me to punch
out the next snot-nosed Lieutenant JG who snipes that you all had it easy during the War. You may not have been in combat
here, but you sure were out there. That must have been an amazing mission. So, you got your ship and crew home. Okay, now
how does that tie in with current events?”
“Twenty-four days ago
at approximately 1845 hours, a Borg tactical probe emerged from a transwarp conduit in the vicinity of DS7. Drones did not
man it, however. Members of the Free Borg – former drones freed from the Collective when we destroyed the link to Unimatrix
Zero, manned it. They have been fighting a civil war within the Collective ever since. Our ‘getaway’ from the
Delta quadrant caused major upheaval within the Collective and they have been solidifying their position in the aftermath.
But lately, they’ve discovered data that indicates the Collective has a new Queen and is planning a major incursion
against Earth within eighteen months. We’ve been tasked to stop them.”
Jordan considered the information
for a minute then commented, “Okay, now I know there’s something you
haven’t told me. There’s no way we can get a fleet into the Delta quadrant in a year and a half and we don’t
have the weapons to stop the Borg if we could. So what is it I don’t know yet?”
“Commander, you were
just reinstated this morning. How willing would you be to join me in barratry and risk a long stay in a penal colony?”
“Barratry? No problem,
Captain. I’ve already been court-martialed for mutiny; how bad could it be? What do I need to know?”
“My wife is a couple
of weeks away from presenting the TPG and Starfleet with an enhanced processor and deflector interface fast enough to form,
access and control a slipstream corridor.”
McDeere’s eyes popped.
“A quantum slipstream drive? You’re kidding! TPG has been trying to develop one for years. Seven of … Dr.
Hansen’s done it?”
“They’re in beta
testing now trying to get it to fail. So far the processor has performed flawlessly. And there’s more: Seven was the
officer tasked with installing the contraband armor and weapons that Admiral Janeway brought back with her. She has their
schematics stored in her cortical node.”
“Let me guess; those
would be the same schematics that the Department of Temporal Affairs have declared in violation of their Prime Directive and
destroyed. Right?”
“Astute and correct,
Commander. Since Seven can download the schematics, we’re going to try and install as much as we can during the slipstream
drive refits for the fleet we’re sending to the Delta quadrant. The problem is, I’m not sure if we’ll be
doing it with Starfleet’s approval or not. That could prove problematic for career longevity. Captains Picard and Riker
are in collusion with me, but if you want out I’ll certainly understand.”
“Any starship captain
worth their pips would take every advantage they could get going up against the Borg. It would be criminally negligent not
to. I’m in. But please tell me that you have someone working on getting Starfleet
to go along with the idea.”
“We do, and the closer
we get to sailing I think the easier it will be. In the mean time, Captains Picard and Riker communicate about our little
scheme via encrypted messages hidden in routine correspondence. Ethan decodes them and destroys the data trail.”
“Then I’d better
spend some time with him learning the encryption protocols. I’ll probably be able to help out with material acquisition
for the stealth refit installations. Is there anything else?”
“I’m going to
introduce you to Lieutenant Torres our Chief Engineer when she gets in but she’s running a bit late today. She and my
wife will be overseeing the removal and storage of the Borg alcoves on Voyager this afternoon. You and I will take a preliminary survey tour of Boudicca while they do. But right now we need to make sure the documentation for
your reassignment is completed and then grab some lunch. Shall we?” She stood and gestured toward the door.
Seven of Nine arrived promptly
at 1130 hours. Radcliffe was at his usual post in the anteroom of the suite working with Commander McDeere to complete the
paperwork for her transfer.
“Good morning, Ensign.
I am here to work on the Borg alcoves with Lieutenant Torres.”
Radcliffe grinned at her.
“Yes, ma’am. Welcome back. Do you know our new First Officer? This is Commander McDeere. She just came on board
this morning. Commander, this is Seven of Nine…errr, Dr. Hansen, Captain Janeway’s wife.”
Jordan stuck out her hand
and smiled. “Radcliffe’s told me a lot about you, Dr. Hansen. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you.”
Seven returned the smile and
shook the outstretched hand. “Please call me Seven. As Kathryn’s new First Officer I’m sure we’ll
be seeing a lot of each other.”
“I look forward to it.”
She turned her attention to back to Ethan. “Is that it then? We’ve finally waded through the morass of paper necessary
to get me transferred?”
“I think so. If there’s
anything else I’ll come get you. Is that okay?”
“That’ll work,
Ensign. Thank you. Seven, if you’ll excuse me for just a moment?” Nodding to Seven, McDeere headed back to her
office to unpack.
“So Seven, did you enjoy
your honeymoon?” As much as Radcliffe wanted to talk with Seven, he felt a bit uncomfortable calling her by her first
name now that she was the captain’s wife.
“Very much, Ensign.
But it is good to be home again as well.”
“Will you be coming
to work with us on the fleet refit?”
“That has yet to be
determined. But we are working on it.”
“I’m glad, ma’am.
It’s not the same without you here. The captain is in her office. She’s expecting you. Go right in.”
A couple of minutes later
Janeway and Seven claimed McDeere and the three women adjourned to the Officers’ Club for lunch. To Jordan’s immense
surprise and hidden delight several officers stopped by their table to congratulate her on her new posting. Seven gave Janeway
a pleased look that indicated McDeere had just been adopted into the Voyager family.
When they returned to the
office B’Elanna had arrived and was introduced to McDeere. Not surprisingly the women liked each other on sight. The
four of them chatted for a moment and then Janeway and McDeere excused themselves to take a conference call before taking
their survey tour.
“C’mon down to
the office, Seven and we’ll talk. I’ve been waiting for you.”
‘Waiting for you’
was a bit inaccurate as B’Elanna pounced on Seven like a targ on a wounded su’codak the moment the former drone
entered her office.
“Am I glad you’re
back! You look great. Fantastic tan. So how was the honeymoon? Married life agreeing with you? Can the captain still walk?”
“The honeymoon was fine.
And of course Kathryn can walk. Why would she lose her locomotor ability on our honeymoon?”
“You know…Too
much time doing the nasty.” Torres elbowed her jovially in the ribs forgetting for a moment that they were duranium-reinforced.
“Oww, dammit! C’mon Seven. Spill!” she said, rubbing her elbow.
“For what possible purpose?
B’Elanna, the captain and I were living together prior to our marriage and not, I assure you, platonically. Why would
our honeymoon be any different?”
“Oh please! Hot tropical
nights, the trade winds, moonlight on the ocean. You can’t tell me those things didn’t fire up the captain’s
libido. She’s not dead!”
Seven gave a long-suffering
sigh. “B’Elanna, are you ready to go up to Voyager? They are expecting us. We can have this conversation walking to the Transport Center, can we not?”
They headed out of the office, nodding to Radcliffe as they left.
“Oh c’mon, Seven!
Who was it that reconfigured your portable regeneration unit so that you could recuperate in Indiana? If I hadn’t been
able to do that you wouldn’t even be married to the captain. So who else
are you going to talk about your sex life with but me? Dish woman, dish! I want details!”
The slight arched elevation
of Seven’s optical array was the only indication of her possible annoyance at B’Elanna’s continued probing
for details of their honeymoon. “We went to a secluded house in the mountains of St. Lucia. We spent many hours lying
by the pool enjoying the tropical sunshine. What more detail do you require?” They were discussing Seven’s natural
reticence and failings as a best friend when B’Elanna’s COMM badge chirped.
“Radcliffe to Lieutenant
“Torres here, Ensign.
What’s up?”
“You wanted me to remind
you about the halogenic power couplings Chief O’Brien developed.”
“Roger that, Radcliffe.
Thank you.” Torres slapped half-heartedly at her badge as she again needled Seven. “Okay, but you can’t
tell me that the captain’s little white tuchas isn’t cute against the tan on her back.”
“White tuchas? Tan?
To what are you referring, B’Elanna?”
“Her tan lines, Seven.
Her tan lines.”
The optical array climbed
to an even higher arch in amusement. “B’Elanna, we have no tan lines.”
Sudden silence from the waiting
area sent Jordan into the anteroom to investigate. She found Radcliffe sitting absolutely still and staring into space.
“Ethan, are you all
right?” She gently shook his shoulder to get his attention. He could only stare at her in a daze. Jordan began to get
“Radcliffe! Talk to
me! Are you okay?”
“No tan lines…”
he gasped. There was a moment of silence and then his COMM badge emitted the slightly tinny voice of Seven of Nine.
“You failed to close
the COMM link, B’Elanna…”
* * * * *